Men: It really isn't difficult or expensive to please a woman. Here are 40 little things you can do for her to make her happy (and show her you're the greatest)!
This article is based on two very basic but enduring principles:
1. There is more happiness in giving than in receiving, and
2. It's the little things that mean the most.
After time passes in a relationship, couples tend to grow apart. Don't let it stay that way! You can always work on making your relationship come alive again. There are things that both of you can do to reconnect, rediscover, and become one again.
I am writing this for the man in the relationship, although she's not the only one that will benefit. It is most likely that once you take the first step to showing her how much she means to you, she will automatically and happily reciprocate. People forget that a good relationship doesn't just happen on its own—it takes work! (Yes, I said that four-letter word: WORK!) But she is worth it! If you truly love her and know that you have a wonderful woman by your side, you will do anything to keep her. Believe me, you may search forever and not find another woman like her. Trust me, if you do some or even all of the things on this list, she will fall in love with you all over again!
"Why do I always have to be the one to make the first move?"
Has it been a while since you two have connected? Are you wrapped up in the cares of this world (job, hobbies, television, and other things) that take your time away from each other? Maybe you spend time together as a family with your children, but not focused specifically on each other. Fall in love again, be excited about seeing each other at the end of the day and yes, make love that is tender and sweet and gentle, not perfunctory. Life is too short to waste it being unhappy.
I know you men are probably saying "Why do I always have to be the one to make the first move?" or "What if I try all of these things and she doesn't respond? I've just made a fool of myself!" Excuse me for saying this, but it is exactly this type of thinking that may have caused you to grow apart in the first place.
Men, please, swallow your pride and try these things. What have you got to lose? Instead of holding on to all that pride, hold on to her! You are obviously reading this because you are looking for help in your relationship. That was not an easy step to take, but at least you took it. I commend you for wanting to work on your relationship and make her love you even more than you ever thought possible.

How to Make Her Happy: Put Love Notes in Random Places
#1 Leave Little Notes in Unexpected Places!
You want her to know that you are thinking of her throughout the day. You will be her hero if you do this! Women love little surprises, and after she finds a love note from you tucked into her coat pocket (or on the dashboard or in her lunch bag), she will be bragging to all of her girlfriends about what a wonderful man she has. CheckOut more about National hug day.
I can't tell you where to put them, you will have to get creative. I have left notes for my man in the plastic bag that I put his sandwich in, under the shaving cream, inside a folded pair of underwear, in his coat pocket, Bible, briefcase, suit pocket, and over the visor in his car, just to name a few.
#2 When She Looks or Smells Great, Tell Her!
Don't assume she knows she looks or smells good. Everyone wants and needs to hear when others notice them. She will always want to look and smell nice for you if you let her know how much you appreciate the effort. She married you because she wanted to make you happy—let her know she's succeeding!
When I was much younger, I was a bit self-centered and didn't have many friends. I took a self-assessment to learn what I could do to change and discovered that people are much more pleasant to be around if they take the focus off themselves and notice the good in others instead. So give her a compliment!
You cannot believe how hard this was for me in the beginning. It felt awkward and insincere, but I kept using this technique, and it worked. I began noticing the good in others, and by telling them what I noticed, it made me feel better about myself. I was no longer self-centered, had lots of friends, and began receiving compliments myself!
Funny how that works: Give, and you get back a hundredfold!